
21Publish - Cooperative Publishing

New blog prompt and sundry extra stuff.....

There's a new blog prompt up - click on the "blog prompt" tab above this and you'll find the prompt.  If you need a reminder, the 6 core forces are: Love, Needs/Wants, Consequences, Reputation/Popularity, Pressure, and Morals/Values.  This prompt is due by beginning of class Monday.

Also, remember the late work contract - if you missed some time in class, come see me to get your work. - Mr.M

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For the long weekend....

A quick note for you over the long weekend - for those of you who have yet to pass in the take-home test or the newspaper article, please do so by Monday.  If you don't get either in by Monday, the grace period is over - you take the zero.  If you need a copy of the take-home test, here you go:


For those who have already posted the articles, I wanted to say "well done"!  Writing a newspaper article can be difficult, especially with such a variety to choose from.  I'll work on grading them this weekend and try to get them back to you by early next week - same goes for the take-home tests.

Also, here's an awesome site for you to check out:  This is an online word processor - yep, you heard me right - an online word processor.  What does this mean?  Well, I'll tell you - this means that you can type a paper from any computer that has Internet access, save it to your account online, and access/edit/print from anywhere.  So here's why this is cool - if you type something at home, you can save it to your account, come to school and work on it there, and print it from school.  OR, you could type a paper on the computer lab computers, save it to your account, and work on it at home.  I think this will be really helpful for you all - it has spell check on it, is REALLY easy to set up, and best of all, it's free.  So, try it out and let me know what you think.

Enjoy the 3 day weekend!

Good use for this site...

Just so you know, this site can be used for more than just posting blogs.  For instance, a few of your classmates have been chatting back and forth regarding classwork and such.  Here's what one wrote to her friend:

Bobby Sue (name changed for anonymous purposes!) don't forget 2 do ur blog. We also had homework. Read p. 28-32 in book, then read the packet and use the reading strategies.
Franky Joe (name changed again)

So, think about using the site like this - if your friend misses class, here's an easy way to let them know what they've missed so they don't fall behind.  Also, if you have questions, feel free to post them under the "Questions" tab, or you can email me by clicking on the "webmaster" link at the bottom of every page - I try to check it often.

Try to think of various ways we can use this site - it's here for you, after all. If you have any cool ideas, post them under the comments tab here.  - Mr.M

New Blog Prompt!

Alright, there's a new blog prompt  posted as of Thursday, 3/2.  To access the prompt, click on the above tab labled "Blog Prompts." It's (which, according to our mugshots, means "it is," right?) pretty self explanatory, I think.  If you're in period 3 or 5, this will be due by the end of school on Tuesday, March 7th - this gives you 4 full days, plus in school Tuesday, so if you know computer access is a problem for you, please either let me know this and we'll set up a time to use the laptops or use the library/lab computers to do this.  Again, you've got plenty of time, so no excuses.

Also, I wanted to say "nice job!" to 3rd period with the choral montage - Ms. Rideout, the woman who was in the classroom observing me in my quest to become a teacher, wanted me to tell you guys that you did a wonderful job with the activity - special kudos go to Koby and Billy for taking control and getting everything to run smoothly. Well done!  I hope it goes as smoothly in period 5 tomorrow.
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